Un negocio complejo, dinámico y atractivo / Bebidas.
Agregando valor a los vinos / Bebidas.
El racimo y su aventura la cuestión vitivinícola
Viñas y vinos
Compendio de enología
Los vinos de España
Field performance and wine quality modification in a clone of Vitis vinifera cv. Dolcetto after GLRaV-3 elimination
Caracterización climática de zonas vitícolas
Fruit set and berry size of "fry" muscadine grape in response to six pollen sources
Comparison of leaf disk, greenhouse, and fiel screening procedures for evaluation of grape seedlings for downy mildew resitance
Enología teórico - práctica v. I
Edad de viñedo y calidad de uva
La viticultura
Effects of canopy manipulations on whole-vine photosynthesis results from pot and field experiments
Population dynamics of grape phylloxera in California vineyards
Crown and root rots of table grapes caused by Phytophthora spp. in Chile
Growth enhancement of grapevine callus by catechin on auxin-free media
Evaluation of an indirect method for leaf area index determination in the vineyard combined effects of cultivar, year and training system
Epicoccum nigrum link a biological control agent of Plasmopara viticola (Berk. et Curt.) Berl. et De Toni?