El trayecto desde la educación secundaria hacia la universidad en la licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación, Facultad de Ingeniería

One of educational policy's purposes in Argentina is to ensure equal opportunities to access to university. The strategic plan of the National University of Cuyo for the year 2021 includes "Be responsive to the growing demand for higher education at all levels, ensuring free and inclusive...

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Autores principales: Gamba, Cristian Patricia, Gimenez, Rosana, Haderne, Marisa Fabiana, Luconi, María Eleonora, Marin, Marín Alejandra, Valdivieso, Eleonora, Zumel, Raquel Graciela
Publicado: 2019
Acceso en línea:https://bdigital.uncu.edu.ar/fichas.php?idobjeto=14521
Sumario:One of educational policy's purposes in Argentina is to ensure equal opportunities to access to university. The strategic plan of the National University of Cuyo for the year 2021 includes "Be responsive to the growing demand for higher education at all levels, ensuring free and inclusive education with quality and relevance." For this, it proposes to "Develop permanent mechanisms in order to eliminate social, cultural and educational gaps of pre-university and university students." and "Strengthening the access, permanence and graduation policies for students". Ensuring equal opportunities can be translated, among other aspects, in guaranteeing the development of the same skills in all people. This implies an opportunity to access and stay in educational institutions. However, in Computer Science Degree, less than 30% of applicants manage to enter the career, and only 60% of the students achieve to take all the subjects during the second half of the year. The first percentage is detrimental to equal opportunities of access to the institution, and the second percentage puts the permanence at risk. Faced with this problem, understanding the aspirant is important, from the moment he enrolls in the leveling course until he finishes the first year of college. In order to analyze this journey, it is advisable to collect information from aspirants- High School, to identify which capacities they possess and perceive what is the required knowledge expectations from the Faculty and its professors. With this qualitative and quantitative information, it is foreseeable a curricular change of the leveling course, and it is possible to characterize aspirants- behavior through data mining techniques. For this, among others, the variables that will be taken into account are: social, economic, and cultural environment, skills, results of the leveling course, academic performance after a year of college. The importance of this project is to analyze the subject since High School, going through the leveling course, until the end of the first year. In order to detect the needs of all the parties involved in this process: applicants, students, first year teachers, admissions, career and management office