Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Mental processes ad brain architecture: confronting the complex adaptive systems of human thought (an overview) / Jerome L. Singer
  • Complex adaptive systems / Murray Gell-Mann
  • New decomposability and complexity: how a mind resides in a brain / Herbert A. Simon
  • Can there be a unified theory of complex adaptive systems? / John H. Holland
  • Neurobiology of mental representation / Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic
  • The organization of memory / Larry R. Squire and Barbara J. Knowlton
  • Can neurobiology teach us anything about consciousness? / Patricia Smith Churchland
  • The rediscovery of the unconscious / John F. Kihlstrom
  • Affects and neuro-modulation: a connectionist approach / David Rumelhart
  • Thinking away and ahead / John Antrobus
  • Natural learning, natural teaching: changing human memory / Roger C. Schank and John B. Cleave
  • Does mind piggyback on robotic and symbolic capacity? / Stevan Harnad
  • Evolution as an algorithm
  • the ultimate insult? / Daniel C. Dennett.