Didáctica de la lengua y la literatura: una irrupción epistémica en la intimidad del aula

In this article, we shall analyze the epistemological exchange between a teacher and a teacher-in-training within the framework of the chair of Didactics of Language and Literature II and the Teaching Internship of the Teacher Training Course in Language Arts at the National University of La Plata....

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Autor principal: Andino, Fernando
Formato: Online
Publicado: Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias de Filosofía en la Escuela (CIIFE) 2019
Acceso en línea:https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/saberesypracticas/article/view/1720
Sumario:In this article, we shall analyze the epistemological exchange between a teacher and a teacher-in-training within the framework of the chair of Didactics of Language and Literature II and the Teaching Internship of the Teacher Training Course in Language Arts at the National University of La Plata. In this pedagogical experience, the written records upon which we reflect –lesson plans with comments from the teacher of the subject, note-taking records by the teacher-in-training–, together with an interview to the teacher-in-training, show the particular situation of Juan’s internship during the year 2017 at the same time he was teaching his first lessons as a field trainer (Perrenoud, Ph. 1995) in a first-year course at a State secondary school in the city of La Plata. An overview of this intervention on his internship period in this course of his own will show the moments of crisis and of epistemological reflection the teacher-in-training had regarding three dimensions: the biographical, the evaluative and the knowledge ones.