"Mensajes de todas las zonas" eludiendo la censura en la Argentina. La revista anarquista Nervio a principios de los años 30

This paper examines the emergence and development of the first stage of the anarchist magazine Nervio, under the dictatorship of Félix Uriburu and the beginning of the Agustín P. Justo regime. At that time, intense repression against the Left was developed, and hundreds of activists were targeted by...

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Autores principales: Benclowicz, José Daniel, Chiguay, Violeta
Formato: Online
Publicado: Centro Interdisciplinario de Literatura Hispanoamericana (CILHA) 2019
Acceso en línea:https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/cilha/article/view/2262
Sumario:This paper examines the emergence and development of the first stage of the anarchist magazine Nervio, under the dictatorship of Félix Uriburu and the beginning of the Agustín P. Justo regime. At that time, intense repression against the Left was developed, and hundreds of activists were targeted by the state persecution. As expected, radicalized leftist publications were censored and banned. Within the libertarian camp, the influential newspaper La Protesta barely survived the coup d'etat of September 1930, and the same happened with most of the anarchist publications. Even so, a year later Nervio made his way and managed to publish several editions per year: eight issues in 1931 and 12 in 1932. What were the characteristics of the magazine? What kind of subjects did it develop and how? Is it possible to relate the subjects and their treatment with the persistence of the magazine in such an adverse scenario? These questions are addressed by examining the content of the journal and its evolution throughout the first 24 issues, taking into account the changes in the political scene, especially the withdrawal of the dictatorship in 1932.