Da Revolta à Reforma: Quando a Revolta de César se Torna a Reforma da República Romana (Século I a.C.): From Rebellion to Reform: When Caesar’s Rebellion Became the Reform of the Republic (First Century B.C.)

When, in 49 B.C., Caesar crossed the Rubicon River, frontier between Gaul to Italy, and began the Civil War against his rival Pompey and the Roman Senate, the moment was marked by rebellion, rebellion to conquest his personal protection, because if Caesar disbanded his army and went back to Rome he...

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Autor principal: Costa, Natália Medeiros
Formato: Online
Publicado: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 2020
Acceso en línea:https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/revhistuniv/article/view/2554

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