¿Es posible recuperar una zona de sacrificio? Apuntes para (re)pensar la recuperación desde la reparación y la transición socioecológica

In the sacrifice zones, pollution burdens have arisen from the historical interaction between global/national/local socio-economic processes that perpetuate inequalities and environmental risks in the territory. We will analyze the response of the Chilean State to this problem through the Plan for E...

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Autor principal: Espinoza Almonacid, Luis Eduardo
Formato: Online
Publicado: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales 2022
Acceso en línea:https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/millca-digital/article/view/6028
Sumario:In the sacrifice zones, pollution burdens have arisen from the historical interaction between global/national/local socio-economic processes that perpetuate inequalities and environmental risks in the territory. We will analyze the response of the Chilean State to this problem through the Plan for Environmental and Social Recovery (from Spanish, Plan para la Recuperación Ambiental y Social, PRAS) of Quintero-Puchuncaví, describing its characteristics, contradictions and limitations to advance in the effective recovery of these territories. In this sense, we will address the need for a dialogue between the notions of "Recovery", "Reparation" and "Socio-ecological Transition" through an integral view that allows rethinking the recovery process.